
Thank you very much for PyRen - Renault diagnose zonder dealer

Gestart door Emil, 12 juli 2023, 20:13:32

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PyRen - Renault diagnose zonder dealer

Thank you very much for your documentation of how to start with PyRen. It is a great help for me. I had it translated to my mother language using the translation service of Edge. The translation result is good to understand. I intend to come back to tell how your documentation worked for me.


You're welcome! I'm glad to hear it helped you.
Recently a new version of pyren was released. I will update the manual when I have time.


Citaat van: Felix op  4 december 2018, 19:55:54Voor Mac OSX en Linux ga je op dezelfde manier te werk, alleen de paden wijken af.
  • Installeer Python 2.7.xx met de volgende instellingen
  • Pak de bestanden uit uit naar C:/PyRen of naar een zelf gekozen locatie.
  • Koppel het CAN CliP ISO bestand
    • Kopieer de volgende bestanden naar C:/PyRen
    Kopier naar C:/PyRen/Archives
    • Open Command Prompt of Terminalvenster en voer de volgende regels uit:
      $cd C:/PyRen
    • Wacht tot het uitpakken is voltooid
    • Optioneel: Kopieer het bestand NL/DocDB_NL.7ze naar een andere locatie (bijvoorbeeld Bureaublad) en pak het uit in C:/PyRen/DocDB_NL
  • Optioneel: Kopieër de map DDT2000Data naar C:/PyRen
  • De map PyRen hoort nu de volgende structuur te hebben
      BVMEXTRACTIONDDT2000DataDocDB_NLEcuDaciaEcuRenaultEcuRsmLocationNMLParamspyrenVehicles_pyren_launcher.pybusmon_4a_launcher. pycmdr_4a_launcher.pydata1.hdrdata2.cabextract.pyi12comp.exemake_torque_pids.pypyren_4a_launcher.p yREADME.mdsettings.p
  • Start PyRen door uit te voeren

This is what I did until now.

"Start pyren" works. I can log the data of my car.

I can "Start DDT" but it does not work. I can "Scan all ECUs" but If I "Connect selected ECU (ON-line)" then after a few seconds the connection breaks. The same happens if I choose "DDT screens" after I "Start pyren".


"Start pyren" works. I can log the data of my car: 23_09_22_05_38_38_10891_FAV_Favourite_Parameters.csv

I can "Start pyren", choose 1 - Addr 7A(7EO) Family 1 Index 10891 INJECTION and then choose "13 - DDT : DDT screens" but "DDT screens" does not work. The same happens if I choose "Start DDT":

DDT - Infos Moteur -  frozen (screen shot)

DDT - KeyError '21AB' (screen shot)


In the next screen shot you can see at the top left: Start pyren, CLIP DB, DDT DB (screen shot)

CiteerCLIP DB : ..
DDT DB : ..\DDT2000data

This means that PyRen has included the DDT DB, but also means that the CLIP DB has not been included.

In my opinion, this guide is wrong on this point, because it is not enough to extract data1.hdr, and from the CAN-ClIP ISO file in the PyRen working folder, but original CLIP software must be installed on the computer so that PyRen's CLIP mode can be used without CLIP hardware.

PyRen master

CiteerCLIP mode
You may use this mode when you have installed original CLIP software but don't have CLIP hardware

CiteerInstallation on Windows

Check that you have CLIP database installed

cd c:\CLIP\Data\GenAppli\

This directory should contains at least the next subdirectories




When I look at the Getting started video (see: PyRen master), I can say from the results so far that the DDT mode is only shown so briefly in the video that it is not possible to conclude whether the DDT mode worked stably when the video was created.

Or is the Getting started video just a simulation?

CiteerQuotes from the video

  • In this video I will show how to use the new version of the mode DDT
  • The old methode of launching from the PyRen menue remained unchanged and still works
  • It should work with Windows, Linux and Mac
  • To work with real cars it is recommended to scan units

An old DDT mode is compared with a new DDT mode, it is said that it should work with Windows, Linux and Mac and that if you are working with real cars you should scan the ECUs. Sounds like an image video to me now.


Does you DDT2000Data folder contain the following folders: ecus, graphics and vehicles?
These are necessary to run in ddt mode.

Also, Clip is not necessary. I run PyRen on a Mac without Clip.

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